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Thursday, April 23, 2015

You're never weird on the Internet (Almost)

I could not author a blog sharing stories of humanity using technology without at least mentioning
Felicia Day! 

Felicia is an actress, model, comedian and currently creative chief officer of her production company Knights of Good. She is an absolute idol of mine for the same reason as the title of her memoir: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost).  In every project she takes on, Felicia has dived head-first bringing her unforgettable personality and zest for new, fun ideas. She is one of the most approachable people on the web, is unfathomably genuine (in fact, her industry is based on it) and is a positive role model for future generations (female and male) challenged by entering a new professional media.

Her web video "The Guild" started as a small project starring her and her friends, premiering on YouTube in July 2007. It grew in popularity and grew to be available on Microsoft's XBox Live Marketplace, Zune Marketplace, and MSN video. The webisodes were later made available on ITunes. After Microsoft's business model changed during Season 5, she wanted to maintain ownership of the series and moved it to her YouTube channel Geek & Sundry. Today, the series is available on DVD, Netflix and Hulu.

At the bottom of the page I'm including one of my favorite videos by Felicia, a mock music-video titled "I'm the one that's cool". I think it is a fun take on how the age of information has turned the tables on social stigmas.

Here's an "about me" snippet from her website:

Felicia is best known for her work in the web video world, behind and in front of the camera. She co-starred in Joss Whedon’s Internet musical “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog,” which was ranked in the “Top 10 Best TV of 2008” by Time Magazine, Entertainment Weekly and People Magazine and won an Emmy in 2009. She also created and stars in the hit web series “The Guild,” which is currently in its sixth season. “The Guild” has won numerous awards for web video excellence, most recently garnering a PGA nomination for best web series in 2011. She has expanded the brand into numerous merchandizing opportunities, including a hit comic book series with Dark Horse Comics.

Her production company Knights of Good produced the innovative web series “Dragon Age” in conjunction with EA/Bioware in 2011 and in 2012 she launched a funded YouTube channel called Geek & Sundry. Since launching in April 2012, the channel has garnered over one million subscribers and over 200 million views. In 2014, the company was sold to Legendary Entertainment. Felicia continues to work as creative chief officer with her company, as well as develop television and web projects for her to write, produce and star in.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Smartphone Etiquette

They're all around you. They're on the bus. They're in the local grocery store. At the little league ballpark. In your Doctor's office. At the table next to you in your favorite restaurant. Driving in the next lane. They're smart phone addicts, and they're everywhere. WebMD shares 

"According to a 2012 survey by the Pew Research Center, 46% of all American adults now own a smartphone -- up a whopping 25% from 2011...According to a 2011 study published in the journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, people aren't addicted to smartphones themselves as much as they are addicted to "checking habits" that develop with phone use -- including repeatedly (and very quickly) checking for news updates, emails, or social media connections. 
That study found that certain environmental triggers -- like being bored or listening to a lecture -- trigger the habits. And while the average user checks his or her smartphone 35 times a day -- for about 30 seconds each time, when the information rewards are greater (e.g., having contact info linked to the contact's whereabouts), users check even more often."
Regardless of your addiction status, you may want to consider eliminating or limiting the following habits:
  • Any cell phone use while driving. This includes as a music player, navigation device or just checking at traffic stops. Yes, our devices are multifunctional conveniences, that doesn't mean you're not going to be tempted to check a Facebook notification while your music is playing during your drive.
  • Using your device at the dinner table. Relationships require consistent care. The conversations you're missing (or half paying attention to) could make all the difference. They will appreciate the effort and return the favor! If the temptation is too grand, consider making it a competitive game: place all of your phones in the center of the table. The first person to reach for theirs pays the bill!
  • Using your phone, tablet or laptop at bedtime. The New York Times shares "Increasingly, researchers are finding that artificial light from some devices at night may tinker with brain chemicals that promote sleep. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute showed that exposure to light from computer tablets significantly lowered levels of the hormone melatonin, which regulates our internal clocks and plays a role in the sleep cycle."
  • Not cleaning your phone or case. Think about it: how often do you touch your phone? How often do you drop it on the ground, hand it to your child, set it on the bathroom counter, and still press it to your face? For information on how to clean your dirtiest appliances:
  • Not spending time with your loved ones. Consistent notification checking or playing games like Candy Crush Saga can distract your focus. Consider making a commitment to allot at least a half hour of electronic-free time a day to nurture your most cherished relationships. 

Smartphone distracted lovers by street artist, Banksy. 

Take a Seat - Make a Friend?

"This is our ball pit, we can talk about whatever we want!"

Has social media created a wall? Are we hiding behind our phones to keep from the fear of conversation with a stranger? Is cordial talk on the subway a thing of the past?

Watch the video below to see what happens when strangers are invited to make a friend in this social experiment.

#soulpancake has a YouTube channel packed full of more joyful content. New videos weekly at

The image of Joy

Have you experienced joy in your life? 

Have you brought joy to others? 

The following video of Archbishop Desmond Tutu with His Holiness The Dalai Lama makes me smile from ear-to-ear simply because these two men (separately and together) spread the message of joy consistently!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Take your protein pills and put your helmet on..

I'd like to introduce a social media stream that has been significantly impactful to me! The following link is the YouTube channel for Canadian Astronaut Col. Chris Hadfield. He was the first Canadian to operate the Canadarm, walk in space, and command the International Space Station. He has also been known to strum a tune!

Col. Hadfield's impact on the world is massive! People have lived and worked on the ISS continuously since 2000, and visiting low-Earth orbit isn't nearly as glamorous as walking on the moon, but Hadfield captivated millions around the world during his stay by introducing space in a whole new way, through social media. How does an astronaut sleep in space? How do you brush your teeth in space? He also conducted live Q&A sessions with grade-school children and covered David Bowie's Space Oddity. The video clip I've provided is an interview from January 2013 regarding Hadfield's social media following. At the time of his launch he had around 20, 000 Twitter he has 1.3 million.

Today he is still an impactful author and motivational speaker...and still very active on social media. #personalrocketscientist

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Social media saves lives!

Of everything you've heard about social media, I'm sure most of it was negative. But the truth is: social media is simply a communication form of humanity. With our extensively available technology, man is still at the helm of what that our technology produces. Social media is still shared at the hands of human beings. The following stories are all connected by social media used as a tool in saving lives.

In this blog entry, Thank a Soldier @ThankaSoldier shares how a tweet to a hashtag saved a soldier's life. Sometimes a stranger can help more than a family.

 In this article, Mother Nature Network shares 7 stories of ways social media was used to save lives. I personally found it very interesting that these are 7 different stories using social media in 7 different ways!

This blog from shares four individual stories of how social media saved lives. The author wrote this entry as an effort to uplift her mood.

Mark Horvath @hardlynormal, founder of Invisible People, shares with through this Huffington Post article how Twitter helped the homeless get into housing. 

Stay positive!

There are many ways to increase endorphins and reduce stress, Rhett Power @rhettpower highlights "8 Surefire ways..." in this article. I absolutely agree that blasting your favorite music while driving down a sunny highway with the windows down is a fantastic way to brighten anyone's mood, however I'd have to disagree on his suggestion to "watch a good movie". Get off the couch! :)

A second article from The Positivity Blog  has many resources available, including this post. These suggestions for staying positive are less activity-based and more attitude-based. After all, how does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time! In this blog, Henrik Edberg shares "happiness and awesomeness tips that work in real life". He covers: self-esteem, social skills, optimism, stress & procrastination, and simplicity. Sign up for free email updates!

Mental Health America is the nation's leading community-based non-profit dedicated to helping all American achieve wellness by living mentally healthier lives since 1909. Mental Health America also has something to say on this subject: "thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions, and even our health." On their website they share their own fundamental list to extending our lives through positive thoughts. This website also shares fun facts like "people who kept track of their gratitude once a week were more upbeat and had fewer physical complaints than others."On this website, you can read success stories, sign up for email updates, screen for 4 common mental health conditions, and donate!  

This article from shares 3 simple ways to train your brain to stay positive from the entrepreneurial perspective.  

There are numerous articles, websites and blogs dedicated to staying positive. Some overlap and suggest common practices which speak to our chemistry and biology. Some are completely unique to an individual. Find what warms your heart, and write it down! Make a like of things that make you smile. Keep a journal of gratitude. Create a support group and share your goals! And learn from your dog: live in the now. Please share! What practices keep you smiling? #renewthesoultwc 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Charity Navigator

Charity Navigator This organization ranks and categorizes charities for public navigation. 

The site is very user-friendly and I personally found the "Donor Advisories" list very helpful. This website chooses to warn donors of the listed charities for  "...a variety of reasons such an investigation by the Attorney General, a lawsuit against the charity and an atypical item of a significant nature reported on the Form 990." The presence of the charity remains on this list for a minimum of a year and the rating is removed. The site also has a "CN Watch List" which shares with donors that Charity Navigator has become "aware of conduct that may affect a donor's decision to support that charity" until the issue has been resolved. The rating remains in place. 

This website also has fun "top-ten lists" of various themes. For example, in the "10 charities in deep financial trouble" list you'll find insolvent charities working with negative network capital--their liabilities exceed their total assets. These charities are in a very dangerous position. 

The methodology behind this site is transparent: sharing reasons behind their rating system, age of ratings and a glossary of terms. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Success is a choice

The infographic-with the rise of technology impacting every aspect of our lives, we tend to find ways of skimming information presented to us. The infographic is perfect example of how we have chosen to write with limited text to be able to communicate complex information quickly and clearly. Yes, I could present this information in a memo with bullet points, but it wouldn't quite have the same impact, would it?

 I have to share this infographic which as made an immensely positive impact on both my personal and professional choices. I keep it near my desk at work and whenever I am at a crossroads of a decision, it helps me do what is right. What infographics are out there that have stuck around in your mind? Do you ever choose to print and share what you find on the web? If you chose to create an infographic, what would it communicate?

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Operation Smile (@operationsmile)

An international children’s medical charity which performs safe, effective cleft lip and cleft palate surgery, and delivers postoperative and ongoing medical therapies to children in low and middle income countries. This organization advocates for the importance of safe surgery in resource poor environments. According to their site, “a child born with a cleft has twice the odds of dying before their first birthday.”

Through this site, you can set up a match contribution with your employer, set up a fundraiser, and follow the "smile blog" sharing success stories!

Independent Charities of America

An IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit association of America’s best charities. This website represents the charities that meet the highest standards of public accountability and program effectiveness to facilitate gifts to those charities from contributors in fund drives conducted at work and on the web. A user friendly site which provides over twenty categories of charities to browse. Can't decide? You can commit a random act of kindness and play charity roulette!

BBB Wise Giving Alliance

"We monitor charities so you don't have to."
This organization does not rank charities but evaluates charities to assist donors to make informed decisions about those that solicit their support. It provides reports about national charities, evaluates them against “Standards for Charity Accountability” and also publishes a magazine. National charities that meet standards have the option to pay a fee for the use of a BBB Accredited Charity seal that can be displayed on their website or fundraising materials. The following tips can be found on their website!

Basic Giving Tips

1. Get the charity’s exact name. With so many charities in existence, mistaken identity is a common problem. Thousands of charities have “cancer” in their name, for example, but no connection with one another.
2. Resist pressure to give on the spot, whether from a telemarketer or door-to-door solicitor.
3. Be wary of heart-wrenching appeals. What matters is what the charity is doing to help.
4. Press for specifics. If the charity says it’s helping the homeless, for example, ask how and where it’s working.
5. Check websites for basics. A charity’s mission, program and finances should be available on its site. If not, check for a report at
6. Check with state charity officials. In many states, charities are required to register, usually with the office of the attorney general, before soliciting. Click for the relevant office in your state.
7. Don’t assume that every soliciting organization is tax exempt as a charity. You can readily check an organization’s tax status at
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