A second article from The Positivity Blog has many resources available, including this post. These suggestions for staying positive are less activity-based and more attitude-based. After all, how does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time! In this blog, Henrik Edberg shares "happiness and awesomeness tips that work in real life". He covers: self-esteem, social skills, optimism, stress & procrastination, and simplicity. Sign up for free email updates!
Mental Health America is the nation's leading community-based non-profit dedicated to helping all American achieve wellness by living mentally healthier lives since 1909. Mental Health America also has something to say on this subject: "thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions, and even our health." On their website they share their own fundamental list to extending our lives through positive thoughts. This website also shares fun facts like "people who kept track of their gratitude once a week were more upbeat and had fewer physical complaints than others."On this website, you can read success stories, sign up for email updates, screen for 4 common mental health conditions, and donate!
This article from Entrepreneur.com shares 3 simple ways to train your brain to stay positive from the entrepreneurial perspective.
There are numerous articles, websites and blogs dedicated to staying positive. Some overlap and suggest common practices which speak to our chemistry and biology. Some are completely unique to an individual. Find what warms your heart, and write it down! Make a like of things that make you smile. Keep a journal of gratitude. Create a support group and share your goals! And learn from your dog: live in the now. Please share! What practices keep you smiling? #renewthesoultwc
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